World Leaders Coalition to be Launched on Facebook by Globcal

International Online Newsfeeds, Thursday, June 18, 2009 -- The World Leaders Coalition is scheduled to initiate its activities on Facebook through Globcal and its groups; the "Facebook People's Embassy" and "Facebook Diplomatic Corps" this Fall. The coalition group consists 32 world leaders and up to 450 other global role models that include movers and shakers like; Nobel prize winners, former presidents, current heads of state, and many well known celebrities currently serving as goodwill ambassadors for the United Nations, the European Union, and other noteworthy organizations and efforts.
The world leaders featured in the program include US President Barack Obama, Brazilian President Lula Da Silva, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Argentina President Christina Fernandez de Kirchner, and other European, African, Latin American, Caribbean, and Asian Leaders, including the Presidents of China and India. There are also religious and political leaders involved based on the non-conflict peace based coalition message campaign they will support together. Some of the goodwill ambassadors include Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie, Elton John, Sting, and many more.
These leaders and motivated personalities are united through their base public alignment, common beliefs, causes, and similar idealism on certain matters including human rights, organized labor, peace, anti-corruption, cooperation, fair-trade and more. The program is an interactive cross-platform communications sub-network that allows transparency between the extremes using agents (ambassadors) as intermediaries.
It is from the Facebook People's Embassy that anyone on Facebook can communicate with ambassadors from its diplomatic corps whom will be representing the World Leaders Coalition.
The Facebook People's Embassy program ambassadors are assigned for each geopolitical and cultural niche to include most social circles, groups of people, and geo-regions, these Ambassadors are given the privilege to directly post a weekly dispatch and communicate directly with these all of the world leaders collectively. Ambassadors post their weekly dispatch based on their communications in the Embassy and from the special Ambassador pages assigned and authorized by Globcal on local and global matters presented by their constituencies. Dispatches are presented under strict protocols and ambassadors are trained to be familiar with presentation rules and writing style.
The Facebook People's Embassy and the World Leader's Coalition will become fully operational on Facebook beginning in September or October. Their programs and development will be done through the Globcal Cooperative which is developing the contacts and interface for the cross-platform application that permits this facilitated communication that results in "power to the people."
Globcal is working with the Facebook People's Embassy to find, qualify, and train many more ambassadors from many countries, groups, and organizations to feed the World Leader's Coalition communications Dispatch. Since much of the development work is done on a spare time and volunteer basis much additional assistance is also still needed to accrue content for the base website as well.
To follow the news and stay informed join the Embassy and become a Fan of the Globcal page on Facebook. Outside of Facebook you can keep up with new developments by bookmarking Globcal.Org or subscribing to the Globcal blog at Blogger.
For more information contact: Col. David Jeffrey Wright, Founder and Project Developer, Facebook People's Embassy (formerly MUNSNE) in Caracas, Monday through Friday at +58(212)516.03.61 or write to